Saturday, May 16, 2009

Tau Army Completed

After a year of painting the blueskins, I can safely say that I've completed the army to a very acceptable level of quality and looks good on the tabletop. Some of you following this would proabably know how each of the individual units are done. After finishing my last devilfish I was just tempted to lay them all on the table and see how this 2500-3000 pts army may look like together. I can't take a decent picture of the whole army due to the limitation of my camera and the flash from a distance just don't do it justice, so here's a video instead to illustrate the size of the army and the details. Along here are some photos as well...


Siph_Horridus said...

Magnificent and well done!! What's next? Hee Hee... it never ends and no army is ever truly 'finished'.

Vincent Fong said...

Thanks! Yes, it is never truly done, always something around the corner, it is...

Anyhow, I'm on to my IG and Marines on my other site blogs. Also in the meantime, I'm refurbishing some of my existing eldar army, just to make sure the quality is consistent. Some terrain works also comes to mind.

Craig said...

man that is such a consistently great looking army, no one bit is of a lower standard than the VERY high standard of the rest... if you gt what im trying to say there. If you can build an IG army half as well as this one I'l be very impressed
Craig @cadian8th

Darkwing said...

Looks very good. The camouflage on the tanks looks very crisp and sharp. Great job.

PapaSpanky said...

Nice tight paint job, I love the white HQ guard.

oni said...

While I'm not a big Tau fanatic, I do appreciate a fully and well painted army and yours is amazing. Awesome job!

Vincent Fong said...

Thanks guys, it feels good finished up a whole army and ready to put it on the table... Hopefully, there'll be more battle reports than hobby articles soon..

Unknown said...

Exceptional work! I was wondering if you'd like to do a link swap with my blog Warhammer Tau?

I can see our armies have a lot in common.

Vincent Fong said...

@Adam, that's a great idea, I'll make a link with the existing png graphic widget-like file you have there on the if it is ok. I'll post a similar widget graphics on my column soon.

MasterDarksol said...

Simply fantastic. I love your work.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the banner. I've linked back to you as well.

Peter said...

Brilliant, just brilliant! I've still got my mates Devilfish to paint up (he's out of the country, no hurry :D ) So i was wandering if you use the same general technique on painting you're vehicles as you do you're battle suits?

Looking forward to some battle reports and Tau terrain sounds good (if that's what you meant)

Vincent Fong said...

Thanks, and yep, they are pretty much the same technique all around...

I do have lots of leftover bitz from the sprues after all the models are done, and I've some ideas for tau terrain and ruins. I hope to work on that soon, along with the progress of my other upcoming armies...

Luis Bermer said...

Great army, man!

I link your tau-blog :D

An spanish ork ;D

Mark said...

Beautiful army! I've always like the Tau designs but never got into them (I s'pose I like assaulting too much). How do you find they play, compared to your other forces?